For cohesion and humanity!
A wooden cross for the soldier
A fictional story
by Michael Johanni
Human rights activist and writer
December 2024
‘Who was he?
There, surrounded by others, you can see a wooden cross with his name and date of birth on it.
He was only 24 years old when he was severely injured by a rocket splinter during the war and died as a result.
His parents gave him the name Florian.
From an early age, he brought joy to his mother and father – both were very proud of him. He also had an affectionate, close relationship with his two younger siblings.
Florian was a family man, as all people basically are.
He sometimes talked with shining eyes about starting a family with two or three children.
When you spoke to him, you couldn’t help but notice his zest for life; he was motivated to make the most of his life.
As a keen table tennis player, Florian took almost every opportunity to practise this interesting sport.
Florian took his vocational training as a geriatric carer very seriously – it was obvious that he saw this profession as more than just a job. Being a good support to the elderly and showing them affection on a regular basis was a matter of course for him.
Florian was quite simply a real asset to our society.
But then none of this should mean anything any more.
One day he received a letter from the authorities – he had to be in a certain army barracks at a certain time in order to be flown from there, with other soldiers, to a war zone.
What were he and his parents supposed to do about the call-up order?
And so that certain day came when he was taken by plane to the terrible place of war.
On the third day, it happened – a war rocket hit the camp just a few meters away from him, where numerous soldiers were housed.
Florian and many of his comrades had no chance – death came to them in seconds and minutes.
There is no truthful, human justification for such warlike conditions ,
and that is why all wars are the most serious capital crimes!”
In the conscious, mutual respect for our basic needs, lies one of the “keys” to a much more humane world.
The need to communicate
Communicating to others means being part of the human species.
What good are the most thought processes if we do not pass them on to our fellow citizens?
We are dependent on articulating with others, exchanging ourselves, because this is how we live up to our dignity.
If we do not, we lose ourselves in limitation, isolation and loneliness.
It is completely in accordance with human nature that we satisfy the inner desire to communicate – through the help of language as well as facial and body movements (facial expres- sions and gestures).
We are in the right environment as soon as it gives us pleasure to be able to talk to other people about almost anything.

A humane world needs Chinese citizens,
that’s why it’s high time China transformed itself into
a true democracy!
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Presentation de Michael Johanni
Défenseur des droits de l’homme
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La question de la cohésion
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