If you question a lot, you can get into trouble now and then.
In the end, however, it is you who is smarter afterwards.

Our activities

  • Currently, we regularly distribute flyers and conduct letter campaigns throughout Germany.
    Due to the general, unjustified restrictions, we are no longer conduction vigils for the time being, this also applies to signature campaigns.

  • We assist you with our experience by writing appropriate letters, if necessary, when it comes to misunderstandings, discrimination, personal matters and bullying.

  • Four times a year, we publish our informative citizen’s newsletter … human being stay human! with informative content each time.
    36 pages, format: 22 x 17 cm, without conventional advertising. Free of charge and postage for our fellow citizens.

Active membership

You also have strengths – with us you can develop them further and use them. Of course, as an active member you can decide for yourself in which activities you would like to participate. The only important thing is that you are convinced of our tasks and get involved with us from time to time.



The monthly membership fee is for individuals with finan. Income 5.00 Euro, for couples 8.00 Euro and for fellow citizens who are in a financially straitened situation or in retirement 3.00 Euro. The first month is free.


Passive membership

Through your passive membership you show us your conviction.
You will regularly receive minutes of meetings. And you can contribute your knowledge and constructive ideas at any time. to the membership form