With a donation you support
our meaningful activities

Donation account

…human being stay human! e. V.

VR-Bank Würzburg eG

IBAN: DE81-7909-0000-0003-2440-91


What do we use the donations for?

  • Currently, we regularly distribute flyers and conduct letter campaigns throughout Germany. Due to the unjustified restrictions, we are no longer conducting vigils for the time being, this also applies to signature campaigns.

  • For the quarterly printing of our informative citizen’s magazine …mensch bleib Mensch! The content of our magazin (36 pages, 3 in English, free of charge for readers, without conventional advertising) always provides meaning- ful, supportive impulses for much more humane society.

  • For socially disadvantaged citizens who are dependent on support for various reasons.

  • For mailings that we send out in connection with our various activities – e.g. the Bürgerblatt, signature campaigns, letter campaigns, letters to fellow citizens, authorities/government and companies.

  • For the permanent administration of our website.

We are financed by membership fees and donations.